Are you looking for an investment material which can be used all round and which will enable you to work more efficiently in the dental laboratory?
Universally suitable
IPS PressVest Premium is the new universal phosphate-bonded investment material for press ceramics from Ivoclar Vivadent. It is suitable for investing single-tooth restorations, bridges and hybrid abutments, and can also be used for the press-on technique with zirconium oxide and metal frameworks.
The high stability during the preheating phase allows you to process materials with different expansion values. IPS PressVest Premium is therefore suitable for milled and printed objects made from wax or acrylic (e.g. ProArt CAD Wax yellow).
Flexible use
You can use IPS PressVest Premium in both speed and conventional heating methods. This increases flexibility in the laboratory and reduces storage.
Minimal reaction layer
The new investment material has only a minimal reaction layer, which is very easy to remove. This makes divesting easier and saves you valuable time.

Conventional press investment material

IPS PressVest Premium
Excellent surface quality

The fine, dense consistency and grain size of IPS PressVest Premium provides a consistent quality. It provides a silky smooth, homogenous surface. The exact reproduction of the pattern increases the detail and therefore reduces subsequent processing.
Impressive precision
IPS PressVest Premium is distinguished by its exact and high degree of fitting accuracy. Everything fits precisely straightaway, without requiring time-consuming fitting procedures.