Are you already working with IPS e.max lithium disilicate? If you do, we have an important message for you. After more than 10 years of clinical success and thousands of batches produced and tested, we now confirm that the material demonstrates an average biaxial flexural strength of 500 MPa. Find out how you can benefit from this.
Clinically proven and relied upon for more than 10 years
Dental technicians, dentists and patients have benefited from the high strength of the highly esthetic restorative material for more than 10 years, irrespective of the indication: veneers, inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges or implant abutments. More than a 100 million restorations and a survival rate of more than 96 percent speak for themselves.
Committed to high quality
Ivoclar Vivadent is committed to high quality. As part of that commitment, we test each batch of material for a wide range of attributes to ensure that all materials meet our high standards.
In the past, we indicated a biaxial flexural strength of 360 MPa for lithium disilicate as a minimum design specification. No lithium disilicate material that we produce will ever fall below this value. Now we can confidently confirm that IPS e.max lithium disilicate demonstrates an average biaxial flexural strength of 500 MPa.
Material remains unchanged
Did we change the material? No, we didn’t. The formula of IPS e.max lithium disilicate has always been exactly the same. New is the communication: “Some companies publish their highest test results. With regard to IPS e.max, Ivoclar Vivadent only ever advertised the minimum values. The customer was therefore guaranteed to receive a material whose strength is at least equivalent to the specified strength”, explains Patrik Oehri, Director of R&D Services and Corporate Quality Management. “After decades of success, we are now publishing the average strength.”
New possibilities
What does the new message mean to you and your dentists? The clinical data show that IPS e.max lithium disilicate can be used to achieve minimally invasive restorations of a thickness of only 1.0 mm in combination with the adhesive cementation. In addition, minimally invasive occlusal veneers can now also be produced with IPS e.max CAD. This encourages conservative dentistry. Dentists have even more options for using IPS e.max lithium disilicate in minimally invasive restorations.