How do you get ready for using the brush infiltration technique to characterize Zirconia restorations? And how can you achieve optimum results with minimum effort? Here are some pointers:
Take the shade of the prepared abutment tooth into account

Generally, if you use a material that has a high translucency, you should take the shade of the prepared tooth into account. Whiten severely discoloured preparations before you proceed with the restoration. If not, the prepared tooth structure may show through the restoration. A greyish looking restoration would be the dreaded result. Always use a tooth-shaded die to assess the shade of the restoration in the lab (prior to placement), e.g. using the “Natural Die Kit” from Ivoclar Vivadent.
Complete contouring of the restoration before you sinter it
Try to rework the restoration as little as possible after it has been sintered. You can achieve this by giving the “white body” as much of its final shape as possible after the milling process. If handled badly, adjustments after the sintering process may have an adverse effect on the mechanical properties of the restoration.
Use up mixed liquids quickly

IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Colouring Liquids
IPS e.max ZirCAD MT Colouring Liquids are available for the brush infiltration of IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime Esthetic/MT/MT Multi discs.
Shades: 16 A–D, 5 Effect colours

IPS e.max ZirCAD LT Colouring Liquids
IPS e.max ZirCAD LT Colouring Liquids are available for the brush infiltration of IPS e.max ZirCAD LT/ Prime discs.
Shades 16 A–D, 5 Effect colours

IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid Indicators
To visualize the colouring liquids, the indicator liquids IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid Indicators are available.
Mixing IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquids and IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid Indicators
In order to visualize the colouring liquids during the application on the restoration, the colouring liquids are dyed with the IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid Indicators (red, blue, yellow). For the dyeing of IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquids, it is recommended to follow the shade concept of the veneering ceramics.
The red indicator liquid is recommended for the infiltration of the dentin area, the blue one for the incisal area. The IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid Indicator yellow can be used for individual characterizations. Individual colours can be achieved by mixing the indicator colours. For example, blue and yellow produce a rich green colour. The IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid jars are suitable for mixing the colouring liquids.
Ideal mixing ratio:
25 drops of IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid with 1 – 2 drops IPS e.max ZirCAD Colouring Liquid Indicator