Today, there is fierce competition between laboratories. This is precisely why we have compiled three tips for you.

As the owner of a dental laboratory, you know this situation all too well: the days when growth seemed self-evident are long gone. Today, there is fierce competition between laboratories. What matters is not only the quality of your work, but increasingly also speed and cost-effectiveness. It is therefore all the more important that you design a process within the laboratory to be as productive as possible. Perhaps you are currently wondering where to start?

This is precisely why we have compiled  three tips  that can make your laboratory even more efficient:

Tip 1: Your material portfolio – Optimal complementary rather than duplication

In a dental prosthesis laboratory, having everything in duplicate carries risks. Analyze your materials portfolio. Pay particular attention to your layering ceramics and your stains: is your assortment optimal? Have you removed all duplication? If so, congratulations, you have made your laboratory more productive in the following areas:

  • Quantity of materials to manage
  • Maximum flexibility achieved for the fabrication and processing of a large number of restoration types
  • Cost reduction through efficient use of resources
  • Minimization of supplies
  • Harmonization of work processes
  • Reduced risk of errors

Moreover, in the dental sector, the trend is very clearly towards materials that can be used universally.

Tip 2: Single source – stick one brand

Many laboratories use equipment, software and materials from different manufacturers. In doing so, they jeopardize an important productivity advantage. Choose a certain system and stick to it. This way, you will be sure that all the components work together smoothly, that the result is consistent and the quality is there.
Have you opted for specific processes and products? If yes, then you are more productive than others in the following areas:

  • Your processes and materials are perfectly matched to each other.
  • You can be sure that there is no loss of quality in the interfaces between two devices.
  • You minimize your risk of unnecessary duplication of work.
  • In the long term, you reduce investment costs compared to seemingly cheaper individual modules.
  • You systematically obtain maximum quality, which your customers appreciate.

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Tip 3: Partnership – Focus on your strengths

Not all laboratories are equipped for every type of restoration. In particular, a laboratory is far from being able to carry out all the complex work itself, such as bars or implant structures. Outsource this type of work to external partners (e.g. machining centers) and focus on your strengths. Small laboratories, in particular, benefit from such partnerships.
Do you focus, in your dental laboratory, on certain manufacturing techniques and have well-established partnerships? If so, it increases your productivity for the following reasons:

  • You save time and can use your resources where you are most productive.
  • You can, even if you are a small laboratory, offer your customers all the products at a maximum level of quality and within short deadlines.
  • With good partners, you are always at the forefront of technical development – ​​even in areas that are not part of your specialization.

Dental technicians today face strong competition. Anyone who owns their own laboratory must operate it as productively as possible to establish themselves in the market. We have presented three ideas that can help you increase the productivity of your laboratory. Where do you see further potential for optimizing processes and sequences? We await your comments.

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